The statement was made by Ms Alicia Fengler on behalf of the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations at the WHO Regional Committee for Eur...
Subscribe to VICE News here: VICE News host Thomas Morton swings from the trees...
Subscribe to VICE News here: VICE News host Thomas Morton swings from the trees with an international team of scientists...
This documentary show the work that is done by Tanzania Street Children (TSC) Sports Academy in Mwanza, Tanzania....
This documentary show the work that is done by Tanzania Street Children (TSC) Sports Academy in Mwanza, Tanzania. Funded and filmed by BT Sports - Supporters...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Around the world women are...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Around the world women are fighting for their own human rights, inc...
The Magazine Innovation Center at The University of Mississippi's Meek School of Journalism hosted the ACT 2...
The Magazine Innovation Center at The University of Mississippi's Meek School of Journalism hosted the ACT 2 Experience last October. We asked 17 media exper...
For more fun facts and interesting information, visit Social Media has changed the way EMC...
For more fun facts and interesting information, visit Social Media has changed the way EMC engages with all of our audiences. The social ...
Bottled water plays a vital role in the lead up to and recovery from disasters and other emergencies.This new video...
Bottled water plays a vital role in the lead up to and recovery from disasters and other emergencies.This new video helps remind people to take a moment to r...
As individuals we attach value to places through our memories. Those memories and their associated values guide...
As individuals we attach value to places through our memories. Those memories and their associated values guide feelings about what places are worth saving. ...
Live Futures Ltd is a not-for-profit company that uses magazines and media to empower and improve the lives of young...
Live Futures Ltd is a not-for-profit company that uses magazines and media to empower and improve the lives of young people in London. Live Magazine is socia...
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