The complexities of being a multiple minority | Ruth Marimo | TEDxOmaha

Von Henry Turner in Minderheiten & Indigener 1794 Aufrufe 17th Januar 2018 Video Dauer: 00:11:23
Everything that defines Ruth Marimo makes her a minority: her ethnicity, sexual orientation, immigration status, gender, atheism. How can a person create a l...

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Creativity, impact and sustainable development | Himanshu Ardawatia | TEDxBergen

How do sustainable business model work? How can they solve not only problems but the cause of these problem?...

How do sustainable business model work? How can they solve not only problems but the cause of these problem? Himanshu draws our attention to the education availability problem around the world. Himanshu Ardawatia is the founder of Colors From The World, a Bergen based social venture that uses an innovative business model to improve educational prospects for children around the world. Himanshu has worked with sustainability for several years with a passion to create disruptive solutions for sustainable development. He aims to help under-resourced schools get relevant and much needed educational resources by using business thinking and the creativity of children.


Britain’s Teenage Drug Runners: Gangs In The Countryside

Gang members are using teenage drug runners to transport and sell crack and heroin in the countryside. Police, youth...
Gang members are using teenage drug runners to transport and sell crack and heroin in the countryside. Police, youth workers and the government are trying to tackle this problem.

The Most Persecuted People In The World

Subscribe! Myanmar's Rohingya Muslims, one of the world's most "unwanted" people, face...
Subscribe! Myanmar's Rohingya Muslims, one of the world's most "unwanted" people, face abuse, and displacement by Buddhists. So why ...

2008 MDA Telethon - Chinese Disabled Arts Troupe

The internationally renowned China's Disabled People's Performing Arts Troupe entertains during the 2008 MDA Telethon.

Foreign Aid: Are we really helping others or just ourselves? | Maliha Chishti | TEDxUTSC

Maliha Chishti speaks at a 2016 TEDx event in Toronto. Dr. Maliha Chishti is a researcher specializing in war and...
Maliha Chishti speaks at a 2016 TEDx event in Toronto. Dr. Maliha Chishti is a researcher specializing in war and post-conflict peacebuilding. As the former ...

Christopher Hitchens: Why Does the Media Lie to Us? Media and Reporting Bias (1997)

A technique used to avoid bias is the "point/counterpoint" or "round table", an adversarial format in which...
A technique used to avoid bias is the "point/counterpoint" or "round table", an adversarial format in which representatives of opposing views comment on an i...

New insights on poverty | Hans Rosling

Mit seiner faszinierenden Datenanalyse-Software zeigt der Wissenschaftler Hans Rosling, wie Länder der Armut...
Mit seiner faszinierenden Datenanalyse-Software zeigt der Wissenschaftler Hans Rosling, wie Länder der Armut entkommen. Er zeigt die „Dollar Street“, auf der...

Escape to Europe: The migrants' story - BBC Newsnight

Gabriel Gatehouse aboard a rescue ship on the risks desperate migrants are prepared to take reach Europe Follow...
Gabriel Gatehouse aboard a rescue ship on the risks desperate migrants are prepared to take reach Europe Follow @BBCNewsnight on Twitter

55 year old Homeless Man carries 2 Masters Degrees ( Maurice Johnson )

May 6th 2013 - Update on Maurice! More to come:...
May 6th 2013 - Update on Maurice! More to come: This video ...
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