Why is Rural India important to us? Mr Pradeep Kashyap has a pragmatic answer Mr. Pradeep Kashyap, the father of Rural Marketing, was born and brought up in ...
Deborah Hughes knows all the facts and figures behind homelessness. More importantly though, she knows the formula...
Deborah Hughes knows all the facts and figures behind homelessness. More importantly though, she knows the formula for success: a two-generation approach to ...
United for Human Rights (UHR) is an international, not-for-profit organization dedicated to implementing the...
United for Human Rights (UHR) is an international, not-for-profit organization dedicated to implementing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at local, regional, national and international levels. Its membership is comprised of individuals, educators and groups throughout the world who are actively forwarding the knowledge and protection of human rights by and for all Mankind.
Conflict of rights is big human rights issue. In a moving talk, Ciaran Burke offers a surprising view for balancing...
Conflict of rights is big human rights issue. In a moving talk, Ciaran Burke offers a surprising view for balancing this conflict. Can we use human right as ...
The materials needed to make art can be expensive, too expensive for some. But one artist in South Africa has found...
The materials needed to make art can be expensive, too expensive for some. But one artist in South Africa has found away to combine his artistic passion and ...
Can we end hunger and poverty, halt climate change and achieve gender equality in the next 15 years? The governments...
Can we end hunger and poverty, halt climate change and achieve gender equality in the next 15 years? The governments of the world think we can. Meeting at th...
The latest film from the Arts and Humanities Research Council looks at how arts and humanities academics are working...
The latest film from the Arts and Humanities Research Council looks at how arts and humanities academics are working with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Geneva to help refresh understanding on how principled humanitarian action is delivered, both in the past and today.
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