Relief Services Face Challenges

Von Walter Downes in Hilfe & Rettungsdiensten 1334 Aufrufe 16th Januar 2018 Video Dauer: 00:03:08
Head of Catholic Relief Services Karel Zalenka spoke to Harry Smith about the huge challenges faced by aid organizations in Haiti.

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The Roots of Religion: Genevieve Von Petzinger at TEDxVictoria

A PhD student in Anthropology at the University of Victoria, Genevieve Von Petzinger's main area of interest is...
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Drugs, dopamine and drosophila -- A fly model for ADHD? | David Anderson | TEDxCaltech

David Anderson is the Seymour Benzer Professor of Biology at Caltech and an investigator of the Howard Hughes...
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The art of politics | Steve Richards | TEDxHousesofParliament

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How are humans contributing to the environment?

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How the blockchain will radically transform the economy | Bettina Warburg

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True Artificial Intelligence will change everything | Juergen Schmidhuber | TEDxLakeComo

Artificial Intelligence Scientist. Scientific Director of the Swiss AI Lab, IDSIA, DTI, SUPSI; Prof. of AI, Faculty...
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Dilemmas in Humanitarian Intervention

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Noam Chomsky shared remarks on the pitfalls of humanitarian intervention with the Williams College community. A prominent American public intellectual and activist, Chomsky has written and lectured extensively on linguistics, philosophy, intellectual history, international affairs, and foreign policy.
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