The three essential ingredients for active citizenship | Eric Liu | TEDxChristchurch

Von Plicatus EN in Politische Angelegenheiten 2636 Aufrufe 14th Januar 2018 Video Dauer: 00:20:41
Eric Liu talks about active citizenship at a 2015 TEDx event in Christchurch, New Zealand. Eric Liu defines power as, "the ability to make others do as you w...

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New Challenges for International Peacekeeping Operations

U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice testifies before the U.S. House of Representatives...
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The Story We Tell About Poverty Isn't True | Mia Birdsong | TED Talks

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How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory

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Disability, Art, and the Age of the Internet: Jes Sachse at TEDxTrentUniversity

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Russia Second or First | Russia welcomes Trump in his own words | everysecondcounts

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Syrian Refugee Camps Becoming Established Cities

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How much does global inequality drive migration?

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