Through his varied experiences, Dr. R. Balasubramaniam shares some of his exciting stories and ideas for development...
Through his varied experiences, Dr. R. Balasubramaniam shares some of his exciting stories and ideas for development in India Dr. R Balasubramian is a develo...
Nachdem sie monate- oder jahrelang im Ausland gekämpft haben, sagen 92 Prozent der amerikanischen Veteranen, dass...
Nachdem sie monate- oder jahrelang im Ausland gekämpft haben, sagen 92 Prozent der amerikanischen Veteranen, dass sie ihren Dienst fortsetzen möchten; gleich...
A former reporter, she covered the fall of the Taliban for NPR, then left journalism to remain in Kandahar in order...
A former reporter, she covered the fall of the Taliban for NPR, then left journalism to remain in Kandahar in order to contribute to the reconstruction of th...
Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald is leveraging the simple practice of talking to babies and toddlers to nourish their brains...
Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald is leveraging the simple practice of talking to babies and toddlers to nourish their brains and set them up for better performance in s...
In which John Green teaches you about the Industrial Economy that arose in the United States after the Civil War....
In which John Green teaches you about the Industrial Economy that arose in the United States after the Civil War. You know how when you're studying history, ...
The United Nations is an embodiment of a continually evolving international order and UN peace operations are the...
The United Nations is an embodiment of a continually evolving international order and UN peace operations are the physical manifestation of that order. Thoug...
Chris shares how to keep your self respect in tact if you have negative or abusive people in your family. Check out...
Chris shares how to keep your self respect in tact if you have negative or abusive people in your family. Check out Chris's (pen name, Mystic Life's) book "S...
As a physicist, Max Tegmark sees people as "food, rearranged." That makes his answer to complicated questions like...
As a physicist, Max Tegmark sees people as "food, rearranged." That makes his answer to complicated questions like "What is consciousness?" simple: It's just...
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