When your health is a top priority, trying to make sense of all the information on nutrition can be quite confusing.In this talk, Dr. Mike Israetel summarize...
Discussions about Green Economy often ignore the Social - this short 10 minute video addresses this issue. Check out...
Discussions about Green Economy often ignore the Social - this short 10 minute video addresses this issue. Check out UNRISD's Project on the Social Dimension...
Reduction of poverty, liberation, freedom: all of these words have been used to define international development,...
Reduction of poverty, liberation, freedom: all of these words have been used to define international development, but no definition is set in stone. Global development expert and TED Fellow Alanna Shaikh breaks it down for us: It is about providing aid, while understanding that the developing world actually subsidizes the developed world. In this talk she points a light at corruption in an effort towards a more just world.
For millennia, most human lives have been spent enduring extreme poverty, without enough food, medicine, education,...
For millennia, most human lives have been spent enduring extreme poverty, without enough food, medicine, education, freedom to live a decent life. If you wer...
For more info go to www.therules.org Production Company: Grain Media (grainmedia.co.uk); Motion Graphics Artist:...
For more info go to www.therules.org Production Company: Grain Media (grainmedia.co.uk); Motion Graphics Artist: Nick Pittom (nickpittom.com); Music: Sup Doo...
Rachel Hutchisson's talk is about why the end of Corporate Social Responsibility is A GOOD THING. Why is it a good...
Rachel Hutchisson's talk is about why the end of Corporate Social Responsibility is A GOOD THING. Why is it a good thing? Because it will be replaced, by "Hu...
This interview was conducted after the "Mainstreaming!" event organised on the eve of the One Planet Summit in...
This interview was conducted after the "Mainstreaming!" event organised on the eve of the One Planet Summit in Paris. More information on the Climate Action ...
Racism is a business. Its marketing is so successful that even Akala looks sideways at a young black man holding a...
Racism is a business. Its marketing is so successful that even Akala looks sideways at a young black man holding a lot of cash. Subscribe to The Guardian ► h...
ABOUT THE TALK: The overflow of information generated during disasters can be as paralyzing to humanitarian response...
ABOUT THE TALK: The overflow of information generated during disasters can be as paralyzing to humanitarian response as the lack of information. Making sense of this flash flood of information, “Big Data”, is proving an impossible challenge for traditional humanitarian organizations; so they’re turning to Digital Humanitarians: tech-savvy volunteers who craft and leverage ingenious crowdsourcing solutions with trail-blazing insights from artificial intelligence. This talk charts the rise of Digital Humanitarians and describes how they make sense of social media, satellite & aerial imagery and more on behalf of humanitarian organizations worldwide.
PATRICK MEIER is the author of the book Digital Humanitarians: How Big Data is Changing the Face of Humanitarian Response (http://www.digital-humanitarians.com/). He directs QCRI’s Social Innovation Program where he & his team use human and machine computing to develop “Next Generation Humanitarian Technologies” in partnership with international humanitarian organizations. Patrick was previously with Ushahidi and the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative. He has a PhD from The Fletcher School, Pre-Doc from Stanford and an MA from Columbia. His influential blog iRevolutions has received over 1.5 million hits.
Self Acceptance - A guided visualization to help you stop hating yourself and practice unconditional self love. The...
Self Acceptance - A guided visualization to help you stop hating yourself and practice unconditional self love. The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create You...
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