Designer Drugs: A New Futile Front in the War on Illegal Drugs? (Ted Galen Carpenter)

Von Henry Turner in Drogen & Kriminalität 1461 Aufrufe 12th Januar 2018 Video Dauer: 00:14:30
View the full event: News organizations have recently documented the proliferati...

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The Dirty Secret Behind the NYU, Louvre, Guggenheim Projects in Abu Dhabi

(New York, February 10, 2015) – Serious concerns about workers’ rights have not been resolved for a high-profile...
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Intangible Heritage - Why should we care? | Prof. Máiréad Nic Craith | TEDxHeriotWattUniversity

Being an expert on all things to do with heritage, Máiréad was invited by the United Nations in 2011 to advise on...
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Undoing aging: Aubrey de Grey at TEDxDanubia 2013

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A Day on the Front Line: Doctors Without Borders

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The Dawn of Religion : Documentary on the First Beliefs of Ancient Peoples (Full Documentary)

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Preparing for the Unexpected: Why Media Matters in Times of Disaster | Kirsty Cockburn | TEDxBristol

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The Sloths That Could Cure Cancer: Bio-Prospecting in Panama

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Subscribe to VICE News here: VICE News host Thomas Morton swings from the trees with an international team of scientists...
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