on "Smart cities: How technology will change our buildings" at TEDxBerlin 2016. For more information, please visit: http://www.tedxberlin.de. Since founding ...
Arnoldas Pranckevičius gave us a rather controversial speech about the European Union. The experience gained during...
Arnoldas Pranckevičius gave us a rather controversial speech about the European Union. The experience gained during the years working in the European Comissi...
Gauher from CFx Comics talks about the socialization of violent extremist beliefs within muslim communities and how...
Gauher from CFx Comics talks about the socialization of violent extremist beliefs within muslim communities and how this is certainly NOT a part of 'Islam'. ...
Half of the world's poorest people have something in common: they're small farmers. In this eye-opening talk,...
Half of the world's poorest people have something in common: they're small farmers. In this eye-opening talk, activist Andrew Youn shows how his group, One A...
The Bible in First Kings chapter 12 tells us that the ancient nation of Israel was divided after the time of Solomon...
The Bible in First Kings chapter 12 tells us that the ancient nation of Israel was divided after the time of Solomon (about 925 BC) into two kingdoms: the te...
"We ain't seen nothing yet when it comes to technology's impact on the labor force." Automation redefined blue...
"We ain't seen nothing yet when it comes to technology's impact on the labor force." Automation redefined blue collar employment and reshaped a global econom...
This 4-minute captioned video shows the intricate mechanisms involved in the progression of Alzheimer's disease in...
This 4-minute captioned video shows the intricate mechanisms involved in the progression of Alzheimer's disease in the brain. http://www.nia.nih.gov Permissi...
Suzanne Eder talks about self improvement at a 2015 TEDX event in Wilmington, Delaware. Suzanne Eder is a...
Suzanne Eder talks about self improvement at a 2015 TEDX event in Wilmington, Delaware. Suzanne Eder is a world-class teacher, facilitator and mentor. She fo...
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