Detroit Zoological Society Executive Director Ron Kagan will share a view of the future that includes a different relationship between human and non-human an...
If you or someone you know has a heroin addiction problem than be sure to check out "Heroin:...
If you or someone you know has a heroin addiction problem than be sure to check out "Heroin: The Hardest Hit" covers heroin addiction ...
An old video now but still contains relevant information that matters more today than it did when filmed. Retired...
An old video now but still contains relevant information that matters more today than it did when filmed. Retired Police Superintendent Trevor Colman The Eur...
Part 2 of 4 Original Air Date: 8/11/2015 Indigenous communities in the Philippines are in a continuous struggle to...
Part 2 of 4 Original Air Date: 8/11/2015 Indigenous communities in the Philippines are in a continuous struggle to protect their history, culture, & their an...
This is a video I made about me, my life and living with my disability. I made this video because I wanted to show...
This is a video I made about me, my life and living with my disability. I made this video because I wanted to show people with disabilities that they are not...
Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience Anil Seth looks at the neuroscience of consciousness and how...
Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience Anil Seth looks at the neuroscience of consciousness and how our biology gives rise to the unique exper...
About this event: Dr Hein de Haas presents his paper 'How...
About this event: Dr Hein de Haas presents his paper 'How does migration start and stop? Revisiting mi...
Until a year ago, people in the village of Ekipe on North Efate Island in Vanuatu did not have access to running...
Until a year ago, people in the village of Ekipe on North Efate Island in Vanuatu did not have access to running water. Villagers such as Marie, a mother of ...
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