Alzheimer's doesn't have to be your brain's destiny, says neuroscientist and author of "Still Alice," Lisa Genova. She shares the latest science investigatin...
A majority of Americans support legalizing marijuana, polls now show. But that's where support for drug legalization...
A majority of Americans support legalizing marijuana, polls now show. But that's where support for drug legalization ends. A series of HuffPost/YouGov survey...
Beginning with a provocation from Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard) this session of the April 7-9, 2011conference "Science...
Beginning with a provocation from Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard) this session of the April 7-9, 2011conference "Science and Technology Studies: The Next Twenty,"d...
In September 2014 the Centre for Urban Agriculture held an international conference on Vertical Farming and Urban...
In September 2014 the Centre for Urban Agriculture held an international conference on Vertical Farming and Urban Agriculture. Watch this video to hear from ...
Senator Professor Emeritus Henry Fraser, retired Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences and Founding Director of...
Senator Professor Emeritus Henry Fraser, retired Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences and Founding Director of the Chronic Disease Research Centre of the ...
Ein Ring sie zu knechten und so... SCHAU NOCH 1 VIDEO ▶ ABOMNIER MICH ►...
Ein Ring sie zu knechten und so... SCHAU NOCH 1 VIDEO ▶ ABOMNIER MICH ►
The first Deafblind person to graduate from Harvard Law School, Haben Girma advocates for equal opportunities for...
The first Deafblind person to graduate from Harvard Law School, Haben Girma advocates for equal opportunities for people with disabilities. President Obama n...
"Society doesn't correlate disability with being attractive... but we CAN be stylish, gorgeous, stunning, and...
"Society doesn't correlate disability with being attractive... but we CAN be stylish, gorgeous, stunning, and FABULOUS." For those with disability, what do you feel makes you a FABULOUS person? How do you think people see you as someone with a disability?
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Aging is a common risk...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Aging is a common risk factor for many diseases, including cancer, ...
Preparing for Disasters with Mr. Radar is a video animation produced in English and Thai language in order to...
Preparing for Disasters with Mr. Radar is a video animation produced in English and Thai language in order to promote learning among children in Thailand on ...
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