Bomani connect with the brothers to talk about Black Pan-African Consciousness in the 21st Century....
Bomani connect with the brothers to talk about Black Pan-African Consciousness in the 21st Century. for African Diaspora Repatriation Vil...
A growing number of American cities are ticketing or arresting homeless people for essentially being homeless. The...
A growing number of American cities are ticketing or arresting homeless people for essentially being homeless. The new laws ban behavior commonly associated ...
Tony is the creator behind P90X® - the best selling fitness program in America. Over the past 25 years, Tony has...
Tony is the creator behind P90X® - the best selling fitness program in America. Over the past 25 years, Tony has inspired and motivated people all over the w...
Dr. Susanne Gaddis, CEO of "The Communications Doctor," offers communications training, keynote presentations, and...
Dr. Susanne Gaddis, CEO of "The Communications Doctor," offers communications training, keynote presentations, and executive coaching to corporations, associ...
This is the edited version of The Mathematics of Weight Loss presented by Ruben Meerman. In the spirit of ideas...
This is the edited version of The Mathematics of Weight Loss presented by Ruben Meerman. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, ...
Dr. Tony Jack explores the question of whether or not a Scientist can be religious in his 2015 TEDxCLE talk. Anthony...
Dr. Tony Jack explores the question of whether or not a Scientist can be religious in his 2015 TEDxCLE talk. Anthony Jack has a BA in Psychology and Philosop...
Sanitary and living conditions for an estimated 2,000 homeless people along Los Angeles’ Skid Row are so severe that...
Sanitary and living conditions for an estimated 2,000 homeless people along Los Angeles’ Skid Row are so severe that the United Nations recently compared them to Syrian refugee camps. How does extreme poverty persist in one of the country’s most expensive real estate markets? NewsHour Weekend Special Correspondent Simon Ostrovsky reports. This is part of an ongoing series of reports called 'Chasing the Dream,' which reports on poverty and opportunity in America.
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