Used by wealthy individuals and companies to shift huge sums of money around the world in secret, tax havens cost governments and ordinary taxpayers billions...
Welcome to the Make Your #VoiceCount Google+ Hangout series organized by the United Nations Human Rights Office. In...
Welcome to the Make Your #VoiceCount Google+ Hangout series organized by the United Nations Human Rights Office. In the follow up to the Forum on Minority Is...
Professor Peter Higgins, Personal Chair in Outdoor and Environmental Education, and Professor Charles Hopkins,...
Professor Peter Higgins, Personal Chair in Outdoor and Environmental Education, and Professor Charles Hopkins, UNESCO Chair of Education for Sustainable Development, deliver the sixth lecture in the 2015 Our Changing World series. By October 2015 world leaders will have adopted the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that will guide global development until 2030. In implementing these SDGs, Learning for Sustainability (LfS), will play a key role. This lecture will reflect on global LfS developments, and consider LfS in the UN SDGs and the Global Action Programme from a Scottish and UK perspective..
On Nov. 4th, 2014, voters in Tallahassee, Florida, made history by approving the first city Anti-Corruption Act in...
On Nov. 4th, 2014, voters in Tallahassee, Florida, made history by approving the first city Anti-Corruption Act in the United States by an overwhelming 2 – 1...
Why do we turn to nonprofits, NGOs and governments to solve society's biggest problems? Michael Porter admits he's...
Why do we turn to nonprofits, NGOs and governments to solve society's biggest problems? Michael Porter admits he's biased, as a business school professor, bu...
In this video we tour a traditional Icelandic turf house at the Islenski Baerinn Turf House museum...
In this video we tour a traditional Icelandic turf house at the Islenski Baerinn Turf House museum ( Turf houses are the ...
A short film for the Basingstoke and District Disability Forum raising awareness of physical and mobility...
A short film for the Basingstoke and District Disability Forum raising awareness of physical and mobility disabilities. For more information email us at info... The revolutions that have swept through Tunisia, Egypt, and now Libya have brought a... The revolutions that have swept through Tunisia, Egypt, and now Libya have brought a large amount of uncertainty. Not only for the...
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