(http://www.climaterealityproject.org) Hosted by Al Gore and The Climate Reality Project, "24 Hours of Reality: The Cost of Carbon" shares the stories of rea...
Nachdem sie monate- oder jahrelang im Ausland gekämpft haben, sagen 92 Prozent der amerikanischen Veteranen, dass...
Nachdem sie monate- oder jahrelang im Ausland gekämpft haben, sagen 92 Prozent der amerikanischen Veteranen, dass sie ihren Dienst fortsetzen möchten; gleich...
Over 100,000 Chinese millionaires have moved to Vancouver, sparking everything from a reality show to a property...
Over 100,000 Chinese millionaires have moved to Vancouver, sparking everything from a reality show to a property boom making housing unaffordable. Dateline a...
Dimitri Christakis is a pediatrician, parent, and researcher whose influential findings are helping identify optimal...
Dimitri Christakis is a pediatrician, parent, and researcher whose influential findings are helping identify optimal media exposure for children. In the spir...
Lauren is an Environmental Studies graduate from NYU and former Sustainability Manager at the NYC Department of...
Lauren is an Environmental Studies graduate from NYU and former Sustainability Manager at the NYC Department of Environmental Protection, and the amount of t...
"Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they're finished." Dan Gilbert shares recent research on a...
"Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they're finished." Dan Gilbert shares recent research on a phenomenon he calls the "end of history ...
LEANBACK IS HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoR0bMohcNo&list=PLE3048008DAA29B0A&feature=plpp_play_all Music...
LEANBACK IS HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoR0bMohcNo&list=PLE3048008DAA29B0A&feature=plpp_play_all Music courtesy of Jake Chudnow: http://www.soundcl...
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