Nichkhun Horvejkul, a Friend of UNICEF, visits a community near Suksanaree School in Bangkok on March 15, 2013. Many children in this community are working o...
Pamela Ronald untersucht Gene, die Pflanzen resistenter gegen Krankheiten und Stress machen. In einem...
Pamela Ronald untersucht Gene, die Pflanzen resistenter gegen Krankheiten und Stress machen. In einem aufschlussreichen Vortrag beschreibt sie ihre jahrzehnt...
Its a story that shine a light on How our efforts can bring a change in the lives of Underprivileged Section. This...
Its a story that shine a light on How our efforts can bring a change in the lives of Underprivileged Section. This 11 min. social video is showing a new pros...
United Nations, 14 February 2014 - Rule of law is the basis for peace and security. In post-conflict environments...
United Nations, 14 February 2014 - Rule of law is the basis for peace and security. In post-conflict environments reconciliation and stability require strong...
Lesli Bisgould is Canada's first animal rights lawyer. For ten years, she acted for individuals and organizations in...
Lesli Bisgould is Canada's first animal rights lawyer. For ten years, she acted for individuals and organizations in a variety of animal-related cases in the...
Terrorism, cyber attacks, energy security, and CBRN threats are among today’s most pressing security challenges....
Terrorism, cyber attacks, energy security, and CBRN threats are among today’s most pressing security challenges. Discover how the NATO Science for Peace and ...
In April 2015 Kirsty Cockburn found herself in the middle of one of the most devastating natural disasters of recent...
In April 2015 Kirsty Cockburn found herself in the middle of one of the most devastating natural disasters of recent times, when the ground shook beneath her...
Part 2 of 4 Original Air Date: 8/11/2015 Indigenous communities in the Philippines are in a continuous struggle to...
Part 2 of 4 Original Air Date: 8/11/2015 Indigenous communities in the Philippines are in a continuous struggle to protect their history, culture, & their an...
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