The Trump Administration says it is “committed to a foreign policy focused on American interests and American national security” and that “the world will be ...
For more info go to Production Company: Grain Media (; Motion Graphics Artist:...
For more info go to Production Company: Grain Media (; Motion Graphics Artist: Nick Pittom (; Music: Sup Doo...
A growing number of American cities are ticketing or arresting homeless people for essentially being homeless. The...
A growing number of American cities are ticketing or arresting homeless people for essentially being homeless. The new laws ban behavior commonly associated ...
The imbalance of power in Arab countries allows regimes to stay in control virtually unchallenged by non-violent...
The imbalance of power in Arab countries allows regimes to stay in control virtually unchallenged by non-violent opposition groups. Without a break in the st...
WASHTech aims to facilitate cost effective investments in technologies for sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene...
WASHTech aims to facilitate cost effective investments in technologies for sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services. The WASHTech Technology Assess...
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together...
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TED...
For World Refugee Day Mary Tran, an Amnesty activist and young film-maker, has created a moving and...
For World Refugee Day Mary Tran, an Amnesty activist and young film-maker, has created a moving and thought-provoking video to highlight the plight of refuge...
Over two-thirds of Indians live in rural villages. For those 740 million people, earning less than 2 dollars a day,...
Over two-thirds of Indians live in rural villages. For those 740 million people, earning less than 2 dollars a day, access to healthcare remains an issue. No...
Today, the Council of State Support to NGOs held a press conference to discuss its annual review of NGO activity. It...
Today, the Council of State Support to NGOs held a press conference to discuss its annual review of NGO activity. It was said in the event that the Council o...
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