Co-founded by Peace Nobel Laureate Professor Yunus, YSB initiates and manages social business development programmes, including incubator funds for social bu...
Tony is the creator behind P90X® - the best selling fitness program in America. Over the past 25 years, Tony has...
Tony is the creator behind P90X® - the best selling fitness program in America. Over the past 25 years, Tony has inspired and motivated people all over the w...
Some scientists say the earth's climate changes constantly and naturally, but the vast majority of them believe the...
Some scientists say the earth's climate changes constantly and naturally, but the vast majority of them believe the current rise in global temperature is man...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Professor and Chair of the...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Professor and Chair of the Department of Nutrition Sciences at Drex...
*Uploaded for educational purposes* "All talk of rights, a philosopher once remarked, is 'nonsense on stilts' - and...
*Uploaded for educational purposes* "All talk of rights, a philosopher once remarked, is 'nonsense on stilts' - and that was before anyone had dreamt up 'ani...
In Episode 3 of Meet The Professors, Dean Emeritus Ed Donnerstein (University of Arizona Department of...
In Episode 3 of Meet The Professors, Dean Emeritus Ed Donnerstein (University of Arizona Department of Communications), Victor Strasburger (Distinguished Pro...
Who is Cate Blanchett? In this full exclusive interview on CNN's Talk Asia series, the actor discusses about her...
Who is Cate Blanchett? In this full exclusive interview on CNN's Talk Asia series, the actor discusses about her career, passion and family life and takes th...
An explanation of the European Migration Crisis. More than a million refugees have fled Syria and other war-torn...
An explanation of the European Migration Crisis. More than a million refugees have fled Syria and other war-torn countries to migrate to the European Union i...
Wikileaks continues to reveal more of the alleged tools used by the CIA with the latest batch of documents showing...
Wikileaks continues to reveal more of the alleged tools used by the CIA with the latest batch of documents showing how the US intel collects data from PC use...
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