Visit for thousands more videos like this one. You'll get full access to our interactive quizzes and transcripts and can find out how to use our vi...
While walking in Puerto Madero, in the city of Buenos Aires, I had the chance to see and record the public Tango...
While walking in Puerto Madero, in the city of Buenos Aires, I had the chance to see and record the public Tango show of the group "Puerto Tango" , and take a view pictures with them (at the end of the video) Sada Mire is a Somalian archaeologist. She lived the first fifteen years of her life in... Sada Mire is a Somalian archaeologist. She lived the first fifteen years of her life in Mogadishu, until 1991, when she settled in ...
Seit den 1980er Jahren konnte die Armut auf der Welt durch kollektives Mitgefühl verringert werden, sagt der...
Seit den 1980er Jahren konnte die Armut auf der Welt durch kollektives Mitgefühl verringert werden, sagt der Bürgerrechtsanwalt Gary Haugen. Trotz der Hilfsg...
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has introduced the most ambitious anti-corruption legislation since...
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has introduced the most ambitious anti-corruption legislation since Watergate. Join her fight to close the revolving door between big business and government, end lobbying as we know it, and make this government work for the people.
Communication is critical to success in business and life. Concerned about an upcoming interview? Anxious about...
Communication is critical to success in business and life. Concerned about an upcoming interview? Anxious about being asked to give your thoughts during a me...
LoveSocial + present Cause and Effect: How the Media You Consume Can Change Your Life. Learn...
LoveSocial + present Cause and Effect: How the Media You Consume Can Change Your Life. Learn more: *The ...
Learn more at http://Represent.Us/TheProblem, and go to to see our plan and join...
Learn more at http://Represent.Us/TheProblem, and go to to see our plan and join the Anti-Corruption Movement. Click on "sho...
United for Human Rights (UHR) is an international, not-for-profit organization dedicated to implementing the...
United for Human Rights (UHR) is an international, not-for-profit organization dedicated to implementing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at local, regional, national and international levels. Its membership is comprised of individuals, educators and groups throughout the world who are actively forwarding the knowledge and protection of human rights by and for all Mankind.
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