What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?

Von William Foy in Soziale Initiativen 1500 Aufrufe 16th Januar 2017 Video Dauer: 00:10:58
What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)? This video clip tries to give competent but also entertaining answers to this question. The video is part of s...

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Michael Gove MP - What is Education For?

Michael Gove MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families outlines the principles that should...
Michael Gove MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families outlines the principles that should inform education reform in the 21st Century.

Iranian passenger plane lands in the middle of a city street

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Footage has emerged on social media of a Caspian airline plane that appears to have made an emergency landing on an Iranian city street. It is believed around 130 people were on board when the plane landed in the city of Mahshahr. Footage shows passengers being helped out of the plane by onlookers. There are no reports of fatalities

Ben Shapiro: The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority

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The power of photography to change the world: REZA at TEDxHECParis

For the past 30 years, REZA has traveled the world bearing witness to moments of war and peace, as a photographer....
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What is GREEN ECONOMY? What does GREEN ECONOMY mean? GREEN ECONOMY meaning & explanation

The green economy is defined as an economy that aims at reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities, and...
The green economy is defined as an economy that aims at reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities, and that aims for sustainable development without degrading the environment. It is closely related with ecological economics, but has a more politically applied focus. The 2011 UNEP Green Economy Report argues "that to be green, an economy must not only be efficient, but also fair. Fairness implies recognising global and country level equity dimensions, particularly in assuring a just transition to an economy that is low-carbon, resource efficient, and socially inclusive."

The War on Drugs Has Failed. Is Legalization the Answer? -- Marijuana

March 9, 2012 Defenders of current U.S. drug policy, advocates for reform and academic researchers discuss the...
March 9, 2012 Defenders of current U.S. drug policy, advocates for reform and academic researchers discuss the effects of and alternatives to the United Stat...

Human Suffering and Humanitarian Response

Craig Calhoun, incoming Director of the London School of Economics (LSE) and President of the Social Science...
Craig Calhoun, incoming Director of the London School of Economics (LSE) and President of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC), was at Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC) on March 28 to talk about international responses to humanitarian emergencies. He will argue that while humanitarian responses have grown dramatically more prominent since the 1970s, this era of distinctive

Facts About Homelessness

This is mine & Amanda's research project. (: Hope you like it.

The Scientific Landscape of Healthy Eating | Dr. Mike Israetel | TEDxSpringfield

When your health is a top priority, trying to make sense of all the information on nutrition can be quite...
When your health is a top priority, trying to make sense of all the information on nutrition can be quite confusing.In this talk, Dr. Mike Israetel summarize...
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