In this lighthearted talk Dominic Walliman gives us four guiding principles for easy science communication and unravels the myth that quantum physics is diff...
Le terrorisme et l’Islam Gabi was raised in the UAE and moved to Canada in 2013 This talk was given at a TEDx event...
Le terrorisme et l’Islam Gabi was raised in the UAE and moved to Canada in 2013 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but indep...
The use of cash in humanitarian response has many benefits: it maintains dignity and provides affected people with...
The use of cash in humanitarian response has many benefits: it maintains dignity and provides affected people with the ability to prioritise their own needs; it stimulates local economies; it gets assistance to people rapidly; and it reduces the overheads involved in delivering relief items.
Donald Trump seemed to have underestimated the power of the dark side. We're gonna show him how it's done the right...
Donald Trump seemed to have underestimated the power of the dark side. We're gonna show him how it's done the right way. And his lack of faith is disturbing ...
September is CMT awareness month, so I took it upon myself to actually take action and make more people aware of...
September is CMT awareness month, so I took it upon myself to actually take action and make more people aware of this disease by sharing a bit of information...
We become good at what we practice and most of us are experts at practicing distraction. We live in a society that...
We become good at what we practice and most of us are experts at practicing distraction. We live in a society that trains us to multi-task and jump from one ...
In March 2013 the Australian Sports Commission -- through the Australian Sports Outreach program (ASOP),...
In March 2013 the Australian Sports Commission -- through the Australian Sports Outreach program (ASOP), commissioned the production of a video on Developmen...
Take a look at some of the action that UNESCO and its partners are taking to safeguard the world's cultural heritage...
Take a look at some of the action that UNESCO and its partners are taking to safeguard the world's cultural heritage wherever it may be under threat, along w...
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