Faith in Action Leads to Results - Catholic Relief Services

Von Nansy Edwadrs in Hilfe & Rettungsdiensten 1689 Aufrufe 15th Januar 2017 Video Dauer: 00:04:07
The mission of CRS is the mission of the Catholic Church as established by Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane which continues with your support for our...

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What can we do right now to implement Sustainable Development Goals? | Prof Jeffrey Sachs

Professor Jeffrey Sachs has been awarded the UCD Ulysses Medal for his global contribution. He is widely considered...

Professor Jeffrey Sachs has been awarded the UCD Ulysses Medal for his global contribution. He is widely considered to be one of the world’s leading experts on economic development, global macroeconomics, and the fight against poverty. His work on ending poverty, overcoming macroeconomic instability, promoting economic growth, fighting hunger and disease, and promoting sustainable environmental practices, has taken him to more than 125 countries with more than 90 percent of the world’s population.


Tango - Roxanne

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The art of asking | Amanda Palmer

Zwingen Sie die Leute nicht dazu, für Musik zu bezahlen, sagt Amanda Palmer. "Lassen Sie es zu." In ihrem...
Zwingen Sie die Leute nicht dazu, für Musik zu bezahlen, sagt Amanda Palmer. "Lassen Sie es zu." In ihrem eindringlichen Vortrag, den sie mit Berichten aus i...

Cold Comfort and How the Environment Shapes Human Biology | Scott Carney | TEDxCU

Have the comforts of the modern age made us weaker? Human biology evolved in constantly changing environments and...
Have the comforts of the modern age made us weaker? Human biology evolved in constantly changing environments and developed biological mechanisms to let them...

Why I live a zero waste life | Lauren Singer | TEDxTeen

Lauren is an Environmental Studies graduate from NYU and former Sustainability Manager at the NYC Department of...
Lauren is an Environmental Studies graduate from NYU and former Sustainability Manager at the NYC Department of Environmental Protection, and the amount of t...

Education for Sustainability | Jaimie Cloud | TEDxWindham

Jaimie Cloud is passionate about inspiring young people to think about the world, their relationship to it, and...

Jaimie Cloud is passionate about inspiring young people to think about the world, their relationship to it, and their ability to influence it in an entirely new way. She shares new ideas to create conditions for life-long Education for Sustainability. Please click 'Like', leave a Comment, Subscribe to the TEDx Talks YouTube channel, and SHARE on Facebook. Thank you! Jaimie is the founder of the Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education in New York City, and pioneer in the field of Education for Sustainability (EfS). She writes and publishes extensively, and consults, coaches and teaches in schools around the country and across the world. She has developed exemplary curriculum courses of study, and has produced a set of EfS Standards and Performance Indicators that schools are using to innovate their own curricula to educate for sustainability.


Dr. David Matsumoto discusses culture and personality

Dr. David Matsumoto discusses the correlation between culture and personality. See more of his work at...
Dr. David Matsumoto discusses the correlation between culture and personality. See more of his work at

The Future of Food: Innovation, Technology, and Agriculture

The Council presents a panel of agricultural experts talking about which technologies can be most effectively...
The Council presents a panel of agricultural experts talking about which technologies can be most effectively leveraged to make food chains more resilient, e...

India’s World: Review of Modi's Foreign Policy

Guests: Kanwal Sibal, Former Foreign Secretary; Lalit Mansingh ,Former Foreign Secretary; Manish Tewari ,Senior...
Guests: Kanwal Sibal, Former Foreign Secretary; Lalit Mansingh ,Former Foreign Secretary; Manish Tewari ,Senior Congress Leader; C Rajamohan ,Foreign Policy ...
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