compelling 5 minute slideshow with music by R.E.M. giving the shocking facts and statistics about child poverty throughout the world, and the resultant death...
MBL is calling our friends to support "Free Lunch for Children" to provide basic daily lunch meal for those school...
MBL is calling our friends to support "Free Lunch for Children" to provide basic daily lunch meal for those school children in the poor countryside in China!...
A selection of Ted talks to understand about global water and sanitation, and what can be done. The sixth...
A selection of Ted talks to understand about global water and sanitation, and what can be done. The sixth sustainable development goal for 2030. 1-https://ww...
How can drones revolutionize healthcare in rural Rwanda and potentially beyond? Partnering across disciplines, UPS...
How can drones revolutionize healthcare in rural Rwanda and potentially beyond? Partnering across disciplines, UPS has helped create the world’s first drone-...
Food Security: Everybody's business Sophie is a seventeen year old school girl from Cork in Ireland who already has...
Food Security: Everybody's business Sophie is a seventeen year old school girl from Cork in Ireland who already has an impressive international track record ...
United Nations - World Humanitarian Day is a time to recognize those who face danger and adversity in order to help...
United Nations - World Humanitarian Day is a time to recognize those who face danger and adversity in order to help others.
2015 Theme: Inspiring the World's Humanity.
If you experience any technical difficulties with this video or would like to make an accessibility-related request,...
If you experience any technical difficulties with this video or would like to make an accessibility-related request, please send a message to digicomm@uchica...
What stops gay and transgender people from coming out at work? What can straight people do to make it easier? Brian...
What stops gay and transgender people from coming out at work? What can straight people do to make it easier? Brian McNaught explains why coming out is a bus...
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