Can you be Religious & Gay?

Von Megan Smith in Sexuelle Gleichberechtigung 1665 Aufrufe 15th Januar 2017 Video Dauer: 00:04:07
Here are a few random things about me, but also some tips on coming out to your friends or just having the confidence to be yourself. I really hopes this hel...

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The Value of Heritage

Have you ever thought about the value of your heritage? Whether it is represented by places, objects, customs,...
Have you ever thought about the value of your heritage? Whether it is represented by places, objects, customs, values and creative expressions, our heritage ...

This Will Revolutionize Education

Many technologies have promised to revolutionize education, but so far none has. With that in mind, what could...
Many technologies have promised to revolutionize education, but so far none has. With that in mind, what could revolutionize education? These ideas have been...

First Anti-Corruption Act in US History Passes

On Nov. 4th, 2014, voters in Tallahassee, Florida, made history by approving the first city Anti-Corruption Act in...
On Nov. 4th, 2014, voters in Tallahassee, Florida, made history by approving the first city Anti-Corruption Act in the United States by an overwhelming 2 – 1...

Extractive Industries and Development

The extractive industries play an increasingly significant role in the economic activity of developing and middle...
The extractive industries play an increasingly significant role in the economic activity of developing and middle income countries. A new UNU-WIDER project l...

Prof. Peter Higgins and Prof. Charles Hopkins - UN Sustainable Development Goals

Professor Peter Higgins, Personal Chair in Outdoor and Environmental Education, and Professor Charles Hopkins,...

Professor Peter Higgins, Personal Chair in Outdoor and Environmental Education, and Professor Charles Hopkins, UNESCO Chair of Education for Sustainable Development, deliver the sixth lecture in the 2015 Our Changing World series. By October 2015 world leaders will have adopted the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that will guide global development until 2030. In implementing these SDGs, Learning for Sustainability (LfS), will play a key role. This lecture will reflect on global LfS developments, and consider LfS in the UN SDGs and the Global Action Programme from a Scottish and UK perspective..


See how a a refugee shelter rises in three hours

The first Syrian refugees has arrived in Azraq in Jordan, a a new refugee camp with the capacity to host up to...
The first Syrian refugees has arrived in Azraq in Jordan, a a new refugee camp with the capacity to host up to 130,000 refugees from the war in Syria. NRC ha...

Why bodybuilding at age 93 is a great idea: Charles Eugster at TEDxZurich

Of the recent changes that the human race has experienced, the increasing population numbers are especially dramatic...
Of the recent changes that the human race has experienced, the increasing population numbers are especially dramatic and worrying coupled with the frightenin...

2030- SDG 16- Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions- Ted talks

A selection of talks to understand more about peace, justice and role of institutions. The sixteenth sustainable...

A selection of talks to understand more about peace, justice and role of institutions. The sixteenth sustainable development goal for 2030.


Global Environmental Issues

global environmental issues and challenges facing mankind
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