Detroit Zoological Society Executive Director Ron Kagan will share a view of the future that includes a different...
Detroit Zoological Society Executive Director Ron Kagan will share a view of the future that includes a different relationship between human and non-human an...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In this highly insightful...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In this highly insightful talk Gary provides us as insider account ...
As the United Nations finds its peacekeeping missions stretched around the world, one major power is making a...
As the United Nations finds its peacekeeping missions stretched around the world, one major power is making a difference. China, a country that once criticiz... Behavioral economist Dan Ariely, the author of Predictably Irrational, uses classic visual... Behavioral economist Dan Ariely, the author of Predictably Irrational, uses classic visual illusions and his own counterintuitive (and som...
3 minute video introducing The Investment and Human Rights Project within the Laboratory for Advanced Research on...
3 minute video introducing The Investment and Human Rights Project within the Laboratory for Advanced Research on the Global Economy. The video introduces th...
Produced during the 1970s, the Price of Peace and Freedom is a Cold War film that attempts to show the Soviet Threat...
Produced during the 1970s, the Price of Peace and Freedom is a Cold War film that attempts to show the Soviet Threat to the United States and its Allies. Thi...
More than a billion farmers and their families around the world are on the front line of climate change. Their lives...
More than a billion farmers and their families around the world are on the front line of climate change. Their lives and livelihoods are directly affected by...
-On the occasion of World Refugee Day, Pope Francis urges people to assist refugees and work for peace. -5 Blesseds...
-On the occasion of World Refugee Day, Pope Francis urges people to assist refugees and work for peace. -5 Blesseds to be Canonized in October at the Vatican...
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