Noam Chomsky, a world-renowned linguist, intellectual and political activist, spoke at the University of Arizona on Feb. 8, 2012. His lecture, "Education: Fo...
Can the way you speak and write today predict your future mental state, even the onset of psychosis? In this...
Can the way you speak and write today predict your future mental state, even the onset of psychosis? In this fascinating talk, neuroscientist Mariano Sigman ...
About Andrew: A PHP and Java script writer and founder of Assanka, the company acquired by the FT in January 2012....
About Andrew: A PHP and Java script writer and founder of Assanka, the company acquired by the FT in January 2012. Andrew now heads up FT Labs and is part of...
A changing climate and rapidly growing exposure to disaster risk presents the world with an unprecedented challenge....
A changing climate and rapidly growing exposure to disaster risk presents the world with an unprecedented challenge. For developing countries, both less able...
As individuals we attach value to places through our memories. Those memories and their associated values guide...
As individuals we attach value to places through our memories. Those memories and their associated values guide feelings about what places are worth saving. ...
For more 2D animation videos: visit:, video is created for Banyan...
For more 2D animation videos: visit:, video is created for Banyan Nation, that offers waste management solutions ...
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