Answering a question on how to avoid becoming corrupt, Sadhguru explains that even without the positions that people take on, corruption is there within them...
Climate change is unfair. While rich countries can fight against rising oceans and dying farm fields, poor people...
Climate change is unfair. While rich countries can fight against rising oceans and dying farm fields, poor people around the world are already having their l...
TRAINING COURSE ON “INTERNET AND HUMAN RIGHTS FOR POLICY MAKERS” Session 3: POLITICAL ACTORS United States, European Union role in Internet Governance, Counc...
"Developing life skills through sport" Little Sports Organization (LSO) is a sport for development NGO that is...
"Developing life skills through sport" Little Sports Organization (LSO) is a sport for development NGO that is shaping lives of the next generation of Kenyan...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. We all know innovation is...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. We all know innovation is crucial to solving our community's toughe...
What does homelessness look like, and who does it effect? Martha Stone, the executive director of a 96-bed homeless...
What does homelessness look like, and who does it effect? Martha Stone, the executive director of a 96-bed homeless shelter, shares the stories of a few resi...
Every year, 500,000 children die from drinking contaminated water. Until everyone has access to safe and reliable...
Every year, 500,000 children die from drinking contaminated water. Until everyone has access to safe and reliable drinking water, the death toll will continu...
The film brings you the whole picture of how animals experience living in a stressful and unnatural environment, and...
The film brings you the whole picture of how animals experience living in a stressful and unnatural environment, and how it effects their mental and natural ...
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