Join us at the African Food Techno-Business Conference and Exhibition for insights on the emerging science, technologies and solutions that will drive food s...
Our own efforts through Feed the Future to advance science, technology and innovation are underpinned by a comprehensive research strategy, an approacOur own efforts through Feed the Future to advance science, technology and innovation are underpinned by a comprehensive research strategy, an approach that prioritizes nutrition and economic growth through agricultural development, and a deep commitment to partnerships to make an impact against hunger. Mehr...
Lori has founded two award-winning, nationally recognized non-profit organizations, which have dramatically improved...
Lori has founded two award-winning, nationally recognized non-profit organizations, which have dramatically improved care for thousands of children with life...
Ep. 14: THE FOREIGN AID PARADOX | Rachel Grady& Heidi Ewing CHECK US OUT: Why does the...
Ep. 14: THE FOREIGN AID PARADOX | Rachel Grady& Heidi Ewing CHECK US OUT: Why does the U.S. fund foreign aid? The U.S. spends app...
If you experience any technical difficulties with this video or would like to make an accessibility-related request,...
If you experience any technical difficulties with this video or would like to make an accessibility-related request, please send a message to digicomm@uchica...
Vincent is a young man born and brought up in Hong Kong. When he was even younger, he had a dream of helping people...
Vincent is a young man born and brought up in Hong Kong. When he was even younger, he had a dream of helping people in need in other countries, using his kno...
Tariq Ramadan is the Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies at Oxford University and President of the European...
Tariq Ramadan is the Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies at Oxford University and President of the European Muslim Network. Through his writings and le...
What will people do when a military veteran doesn't have enough cash to buy his groceries? Subscribe for new...
What will people do when a military veteran doesn't have enough cash to buy his groceries? Subscribe for new episodes from What Would You Do?! ► http://bit.l...
Foreign policy isn’t something normally one thinks of in their everyday life. But should it be? Understanding which...
Foreign policy isn’t something normally one thinks of in their everyday life. But should it be? Understanding which principles and countries matter most is i...
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